15 June 2012

If and if else condition and nested if or cond in AutoLISP

Hi Friends,in this article i will explain about the if and if else condition and  nested if or cond in AutoLISP.

This is used to execute some code only if a specified condition is true.

14 June 2012

7 June 2012

How to get the path of the file in AutoLISP | How to get the path of the file in the folder in AutoLISP | How to read the data from the file in AutoLSIP.

                       Hi friends ,in this article i will explain about how to get the path of the file in AutoLISP.
                       First of all open the Visual LISP Editor,If you want to know about how to open Visual LISP Editor in AutoCAD.

Write the following code or simply copy paste the code.

31 May 2012

How to draw PLINE in AutoCAD and How to draw PLINE in AutoCAD using AutoLISP.

                    Hi Friends,in this article i will explain about how to draw PLINE in AutoCAD and How to draw PLINE in AutoCAD using AutoLISP.

How to draw PLINE in AutoCAD.

Open AutoCAD and in the command  type PL or PLINE.
It will ask