Hi Friends,
in this article I will explain about how to create layers in AutoLISP and how
to set the layers in AutoLISP.
How to create layers in AutoLISP:
The syntax of create layer is
"layer" "n" [layer name]
"c" [layer color] [layer name] "")
"layer" "n" "text"
"c" "blue" "text" "")
We can
create all layers in one function and use this function anywhere in the program.
Let’s see how I create function and use the function.
Open the
Visual Lisp Editor and write the following code or simply copy and paste the
below code.
(defun create_layer()
(command "layer" "n" "text"
"c" "blue" "text" "")
(command "layer" "n" "wall"
"c" "white" "wall" "")
(command "layer" "n" "line"
"c" "red" "dim" "")
(command "layer" "n" " title "
"c" "cyan" " title " "")
(command "layer" "n" "cir"
"c" "13" "cir" "")
(command "layer" "n" "hatch"
"c" "magenta" "hatch" "")
(command "layer" "n" "Beam"
"c" "green" "Beam" "")
(command "layer" "n" "crossb"
"c" "yellow" "crossb" "lt"
"hidden" "crossb" "")
How to set layers in AutoLISP:
The syntax
of set layer is
(command "layer"
"s" [layer name] "")
"layer" "s" "text"
I explained
with one example.In this example I create one rectangle,one line,one circle and
giving hatch to circle and text as AutoLISP-kishore.
(defun c:lay()
(create_layer) ;;;;calling the create layer function
(setq p1(getpoint "\n pick first point")
"\n pick second point")
(change_layer "beam")
(command "rectang" p1 p2 "")
(change_layer "crossb")
(command "line" p1 p2 "")
(change_layer "title")
(command "text" "s" "text" "j"
"br" p2 5 "0" "AutoLISP-kishore")
(change_layer "cir")
(command "circle" p1 2 "")(change_layer
(command "hatch" "net" "0.5"
"45" "l" "")
(defun create_layer()
(command "layer"
"n" "text" "c" "blue"
"text" "")
(command "layer"
"n" "wall" "c" "white"
"wall" "")
(command "layer"
"n" "line" "c" "red" "line"
(command "layer"
"n" "title " "c" "cyan" "title
" "")
(command "layer"
"n" "cir" "c" "13" "cir"
(command "layer"
"n" "hatch" "c" "magenta"
"hatch" "")
(command "layer"
"n" "Beam" "c" "green"
"Beam" "")
(command "layer"
"n" "crossb" "c" "yellow"
"crossb" "lt" "hidden" "crossb"
(defun change_layer(la_name)
(command "layer"
"s" la_name "")
Save the
above code as LAY.LSP. Open AutoCAD,
In command prompt enter (load “lay”), lay and pick first point and second
(load "lay")
pick first
pick second point
Then the
output will like below.
Nice Tutorial Thank You
ReplyDeleteThank you Ganesh