10 June 2013

getfiled () function in AutoLISP

 Hi friends, in this article I will explain about getfiled ()  function in AutoLISP or how to Prompts the user for a file name with the standard AutoCAD file dialog box, and returns that file name in AutoLISP.
Name: getfiled
(getfiled title default ext [flag])
By using this function when we click on the button then it will opens a dialog box, through this user can select the file what he want to open easily. Displays a common Windows file browse box. You can use more than one flag by adding them to get such as 1 and 4 you would use a 5. Multiple extensions can be displayed in the drop down when they are separated with a semi-colon.
Create new filename
Disable "Type It" button
Any extension is allowed
Search for filename
Second argument acts like a path or directory
Inhibits alert box from being displayed.

(setq dfil (getfiled "Select A Directory" "c:\\Temp" "dwg" 0))
(setq dfil (getfiled "Select A Directory" "c:\\Temp\\" "dwg" 0))
                       First of all open the Visual LISP Editor, if you want to know about how to open Visual LISP Editor in AutoCAD. Write the following.
I explain this function using a small example.
I create one button in .DCL file like below figure.
When we click on file button it will open below dialog box.

The code for DCL file is

GetFile : dialog {

label = "Get File";
     :button {
                      label = "File...";
                             key = "file";
                             fixed_width = true;


And the code for  lisp file is

(defun c:getfile()
  (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "file.dcl"))
(if (not (new_dialog "GetFile" dcl_id))(exit))
 (action_tile "file" "(get_file)")
 (action_tile "accept" "")
 (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog)")
 (unload_dialog dcl_id)
 (setq f1 (open f2 "r"))
(defun get_file()
(setq filename "txt")
(setq path (getfiled "Autolisp-Roja's Browser" "C:\\" filename 2))
(setq dir (car (fnsplitl path)))
(setq file (cadr (fnsplitl path)))
(setq f2 (strcat dir file ".txt"))

In the above lisp code f2 will give the path of the file. Using f2 we can do what u want.
Thanks for reading my blog. If you have any doubts, appreciation then please put the doubt or appreciation as a comment.
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